Saturday, July 10, 2010

University Colloquium

I believe that this class should always remain part of the required curriculum to graduate from FGCU. I now I have learned a lot of new facts about sustainability and my interest in the matter has also grown a lot. I'm glad I was able to take this class over the summer so that I had more time to appreciate all the tasks that I had to do. I really enjoyed the class and I think that they way this class was taught through online was awesome and should continue to be offered this way.

Simply be grateful!!

I think that many people are not grateful for many of the things that we have. I remember looking at a video for this class during one of the weekly discussions, and they compared two families: one from India and the other from America. It was really surprising to see the difference in lifestyles and to see what Americans take for granted and as a daily element of there lives while people in India would almost die to have. I think that we should be more grateful for what we have and learn to manage those resources so that we are not wasting them and consequently maybe taking it away from others.

Education of Sustainability

Date: 07/10/2010
When it comes to sustainability, I believe that we are starting to here a lot more about it now then we used to years ago like when I was a child. This could also be blamed on the growth of the media, but my point is that I believe that one of the biggest steps that we need to take when it comes to sustainability is the Education of Sustainability at a young age. I believe that sustainability should become somewhat of a daily routine, chore, or task for all young children whether it be at school or at home so that when they grow up it is no longer a task but I daily habit that they live by.

Park Rangers

Date: 07/08/2010
After I got done visiting all the different state parks, I thought to myself " Why are these people working here, even if they dont get paid much?" I was really amazed when I thought that to myself and I suddenly felt a much higher level of respect for these men and women, because they are truly not doing this for the money. They are simply working here, at least for the most part, because they care a lot about nature. The park ranger named Mike told us his life story as to why he became a park ranger and his main conclusion was because he loved the peace of the forest and it made him happy.


Date: 06/23/2010
One of my favorite birds that I first started paying attention to when I started the class was a kite bird that I saw right outside of my house when I was doing my walk around my neighborhood at the beginning of the semester. I have gone online a few times to read about these birds and I mainly learned that they live near warm areas with nearby water and usually pray on frogs and other reptiles. I mainly like the bird because of its really cool looking tail which as I can see helps it make really fast turns and be very agile in the air.

Talking to my roommates

These are some of my fraternity brothers and the I'm the second from the left and the third to the fifth are my roommates with who I discussed all my weekly topics.

Date: The whole Summer C semester and 07/10/2010
When it came to talking to my roommates about sustainability and all the weeks topics for discussions, I was really amazed at how interested they became and how our conversations sometimes just kept going and going and how people kept joining into the conversations whenever they wanted to give their opinions. I had a lot of fun talking to them about the issues and was really surprised at how much input they gave to our conversations.

What is sustainability and my own definition

Date: 07/10/2010
I looked up the definition of sustainability in and it said: "to hold, support, or bear up from below." My own definition of sustainability was to keep the environment alive. After taking this class and reading the definition from, my definition of sustainability has become more then just keeping the environment. My new definition of sustainability would be more along the lines of making a effort to make keep what we have left of the natural environment alive and to make a difference in our lifestyles to help it grow.